The first day was definitely the hardest for me. You only eat fruit and by the end of the day it is the last thing you are going to want to put into your body. Second day (all veges) wasn't too bad and the third day (fruits and veges) was even easier. The fourth day sounds totally weird, but you only eat bananas, milk, and of course water (at least ten glasses a day). This day was honestly the easiest for me. I ate seven bananas and three glasses of almond milk along with lots of agua. My energy level was through the roof this day, oddly enough. Fifth day is beef and tomatoes and the sixth is beef and veges. I'm not a big red meat eater, so I swapped it out for chicken and turkey. The last day is brown rice, I used brown basmati rice, fruit juice, i used organic apple juice, and fruits/veges.
I lost six pounds. If you have more to lose it says you can drop anywhere from 10-17 lbs. I am down 11 lbs from the beginning of February and still have nine more to go until my goal weight. My birthday is May 1st and I hope to be down at least five by then.
I know this isn't a weight loss/fitness blog, but if I write it here, I'll be more accountable right? :)
If you're thinking of doing the cleanse, I recommend it. Obviously you need to make sure you don't go back to eating like crap afterwards, because you will gain it back. But as long as you continue eating healthy you should be fine. Here are a few things it did for me...
1. Lost 6 lbs.
2. Helped reduce my appetite to a healthy level.
3. No more cravings for sweets.
4. No more bloat-age.
5. Skin cleared up like a dream.
6. I had tons of energy by the 4th day.
7. Helped me kick my need for soda & caffeine.
I'm sure it's different for everyone, but let me know if you do decide to give it a try! No cheating though. Not worth it :)